Wednesday, July 21, 2010

An Unlevel Playing Field; An Epidemic Ignored

Just a month ago I was talking with a principal of a city charter school and we were discussing the topic of attendance. I mentioned that I was frustrated at all the work I put into some of my lessons only to have half or a third of the students show up. He told me that his school had also had some difficulty with attendance in the past, but that they now have a good policy in place that has put a stop to any major issues. If a kid misses twenty unexcused days we can expel them. That keeps most of our kids coming regularly.” Philadelphia Public schools do not have these same options. Expelling a student from a public school requires a serious offense, and truancy is not on that list. This further convinced me that comparing a public school in Philadelphia to a charter school in Philadelphia is unfair, as is comparing Philadelphia public schools to schools in other districts that adhere to even stricter attendance policies.

Before we want to make any real change in the School District of Philadelphia maybe we should look at the district’s stance on student attendance. If you read the message the district prints on its webpage or the policy that is placed in the student handbook, you might be fooled into believing the school district takes student attendance seriously. Looking at the actions and messages directed towards teachers and students reveals a drastically different reality.

What is the district’s real stance? As I have finished my fifth year of teaching in Philadelphia I would say their stance is one of indifference and cover up. Indifference- I have seen a countless number of students move from grade to grade regardless of how much they attend school (what lesson does that teach?). When I looked at district policies in Lower Merion and Upper Darby they have policies that link student success to attendance. In Lower Merion if a student has 4 class cuts in a school year they FAIL that course. Upper Darby requires that students who have missed 20 days lose 10% of their grade average; everyday after 20 is minus 1 more percentage point. Those two, and every other district I researched, said that students with unexcused absences cannot make up work. This is not the case in Philadelphia policies (take a look). Cover-up- I already mentioned kids being passed along. I have also actually received letters from high ups in the district essentially saying “do whatever it takes to pass kids in your subject”. Verbally we were told, “Pass all students” (though some had missed over 80 days of school). A countless number of teachers, including myself, have had their grades changed by administrators (this story was highlighted last year in the Inquirer). This year our staff was told at the end of the year that if we had a class in which more than 25% of our class failed, even if those failures were due to attendance, the district considered that unacceptable and teachers would be held accountable. The message that is being sent to teachers is very different that the message that officially appears in district policy.

An unbelievable example: The following is the exact yearly attendance of one of my classes for the 2009-2010 school year. I have changed the names of students for obvious legal reasons. I also want it to be known that I really do love most of these students and I realize that they have some crazy life circumstances. Most of these students have expressed that my class was one of their best classes this year. This being the case, I am frightened to see their attendance in classes they didn’t like. I cannot ignore the fact that the indifference the district shows towards their lack of attendance is causing problems of epidemic proportions. Could I really feel like an educator and pass 75% of these students? Well, I managed to get 68% of these students to pass and that is only because I allow students to make up almost all of their work regardless of why they were absent. Unfortunately the actual practices of the school district enable students rather than prepare them. I would have been severely reprimanded had I followed the policies of Upper Darby or Lower Merion, and consequentially if I had followed their policies only 27% of my class would have passed. How can we expect real change, real improvement, or competitive schools unless the issue of attendance is addressed seriously. Would it be a mighty mountain to climb? Absolutely! Yet I think it can be accomplished and I know it needs to be if we are to see real improvement as a school district and a city.

1 of my 5 classes (this class had the worst attendance of all 5 classes, but these are the real statistics, no fabrication)

Formating this is funky but the information breaks down as follows

Student , Cuts, Unexcused Abs., Total Absences, Final Mark

Brian 7 32 39 F

Wayne 20 19 39 D

Joe 12 50 62 D

Britney 4 80 84 F

Kim 13 19 32 C

Steph 3 31 34 B

Ciarra 5 42 47 D

Tracy 21 27 48 B

Tony 4 56 60 D

Maria 3 16 19 B

Liz 1 35 36 B

Natalie 5 56 61 C

Sam 96 71 167 F

Elliana 16 43 59 F

Kristen 8 14 24 D

Siani 0 5 5 C

Cynthia 25 36 61 F

Quran 11 50 61 F

Brandon 3 39 42 D

Lauren 37 38 75 F

Nellie 6 35 41 C

Carrie 4 32 36 B

*There were five additional students in this class for whom I do not have attendance records because they are special education and not on my role. Their attendance was equally bad, if not worse.

A realistic number and percent of students that would have passed in these three school districts

Philadelphia: 15 out of 22 or 68% of students passed

Lower Merion and Upper Darby: 6 out of 22 or 27% of students passed

(To determine this I used their attendance policies and then looked at whether or not their grades would have dropped below failing)

No real solutions can occur until we are able to take educating students seriously. Passing students along who would be failed in other districts or fired from their jobs does not help our students in any way. Punishing teachers for trying to hold their students to reasonable standards is wrong and only worsens the problem. Of course, tackling the causes of truancy is a huge and monumental task but let’s not sweep this under the rug just because it is a challenge. Our district and communities need to make real commitments to address the problem of truancy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

SLAM; A Good Thing

Superintendent Arlene Ackerman introduced a new reform called Summer Learning and More (SLAM) this summer. In the SLAM Program students in underachieving schools are automatically enrolled in their home school for the month of July, regardless of their current academic performance.

Kudos to Arlene Ackerman, I think summer enrichment is something our students are definitely in need of, especially the younger K-8 students (I think getting a job could be a more valuable learning experience for some of our older students however). That said, this is a great alternative for many kids who spend their summers on the sweltering streets of Philadelphia. This is a great opportunity if kids are underperforming or parents just want to give their kids something constructive to do during the summer.

SLAM for educators: Currently, the staff members of SLAM schools have the option of working at their school’s summer program. In future Renaissance schools I believe summer work will be mandatory for teaching staff. As a teacher who loves kids I personally want to spend my summers recuperating and reenergizing for the next school year, but SLAM can be a good situation for educators who want to make an extra buck, as long as the compensation is fair. From a teacher’s perspective, as long as the process remains voluntary it is also a benefit for teachers. Hopefully next year the district will have a better system in place to ensure that teacher-student ratios are right. Otherwise we could have a waste of taxpayer money. This year teachers were guaranteed a position before the district had any clue about enrollment. Having schools full of teachers with few students is foolish.

While I believe the district has many other issues they need to address before real progress can be made, SLAM is one of the few good ideas being implemented by the current administration, as long as it can be run efficiently. Hopefully the funding will remain in the future, which is no guarantee.

Please check out my next blog, in it I want to discuss an issue the district can’t continue to ignore if it wants to bring about significant improvements in Philly education.

What are your thoughts about SLAM?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Teacher Action Group, A good start…

Last Monday I attended a meeting held by Teacher Action Group (TAG). The group was made up of about 20-25 Philadelphia teachers. The meeting was well organized and TAG had some good informative details about the school district’s “Renaissance” school plan. From my understanding TAG does not see the “Renaissance” school plan as something that can be stopped, an opinion with which I strongly agree. Their goal is to find some key ways in which teachers can influence the way in which the Renaissance plan comes about; another step which I believe is extremely important.

Here is a list of some of the areas in which TAG hopes to influence the Renaissance Process:

- Accountability, TAG wants to ensure that there is accountability for the “Renaissance” schools.

- School Advisory Councils, TAG would like encourage caring individuals (parents and teachers) to be on the committees that will be making key decisions on Renaissance Schools.

- Reconstitution, TAG would like communities and teachers to a voice in which schools are chosen to be “turned around.”

- Slowing Down the Process, TAG would like to ensure that this process is not rushed into without proper time to implement quality change.

- Innovation Schools, these are the schools that will be run by teachers and principals, TAG would like to see that these schools be the number one choice.

My Remaining Concerns -

I agree with TAG on a number of points. I agree that the creation of Renaissance Schools cannot be stopped and that it is important for teachers to try to influence this process. I also agree that drastic changes need to be made in Philadelphia Public School system in general. Where I may differ is that I am and will remain in opposition to this the whole Renaissance plan as it currently stands. I just don’t agree that the majority of the proposed Renaissance changes are the right ones. These changes do not address the biggest issue in Philly schools, discipline, or the myriad of other issues that are pushing quality professionals away. Another problem is that these changes are coming about from the wrong direction. A community will only be given a say in the matter after authorities (who are unfamiliar with the community in question) make the decision to reconstitute their neighborhood school. This translates to an experiment on kids who have already been experimented on before (Educational Management Organizations being the latest example). So while I do feel it is important to try to be a voice in the process, I also feel it is important to speak up when something is wrong. Frankly, I think this entire “turn around” process is wrong. Unless some major changes can be made in the reconstitution process this is going to further damage the students who need the most help.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

How Many People Remember the Story of Derrion Albert? Another Reason "turnaound schools" Might be a Bad Idea...

The name probably doesn't ring a bell, but I bet the story will. Derrion Albert's story
was made famous, like many news stories these days, because it was posted on YouTube. One of
Derrion's classmates recorded his murder on a cell phone in Chicago's Southside this past
September. Six other young students were taped beating this boy to death in the most
gruesome fashion.
What I didn't know at the time and most people still don't know is that Derrion was
a student at one of Chicago's new "turnaround" schools. I am providing a link to another
blog that covers the story from an interesting perspective that links Derrion's death to
a climate that was created by the newly "turned around" Fenger high school.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Need to Know Information For Upset Educators, A Meeting to Take Action!

Hey everyone,

I want to inform you all of a great opportunity to have your voices heard. There is an organization "Teacher Action Group" that is strategizing a response to the Renaissance
School Plan. The meeting will be Monday February 8th at 6 P.M, location 4205 Chestnut St. I will be there to help organize a response. Click the link to check out the attached information flier, it is excellent.

ps- No, my school will not be part of the Renaissance model next year, but I still believe some of these changes will do more harm than good. If we don't stand up and say something now we may never get that chance. There are too many teachers who have worked too hard serving kids in Philadelphia to have no say in these sweeping reforms. We are the ones on the ground in these schools our ideas should matter! The district often wants us to look like the enemy and our Union has it's tail between it's legs. Every teacher knows that unless some other issues are dealt with in schools these new policies are not going to have the intended effect.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Empowering Teachers Makes a Difference

A friend sent me this great article that discusses the positive effects of including teacher input when making decisions on school reform. I recommend reading the article. Just click on the link and scroll down to page 16.

Let’s face it; this is the exact opposite of what is happening here in Philadelphia. Instead of including dedicated and committed educators in the decision process teachers are being treated as the villains and often pointed to as the main problem in our schools. I really believe that until multiple parties can sit down together and discuss what needs to be done to change the climate of “failing” schools all these reforms are going to not only be a failure, but a catastrophic waste of hundreds of millions of tax payers dollars.

Stay posted. In the next couple days I am going to post some direct steps educators can take to make sure their voices are heard amid all this change.

“The third- grade teacher has seen a noticeable and positive change since her district began to collect and analyze classroom teachers’ views on the conditions of teaching and learning.” (American Teacher, page 16)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No Longer Employees of the District...?

Charters and EMO’s will be hiring their own staff:

"If selected as a teacher for a Renaissance charter school, the employees will have the option to either request a leave of absence from the School District of Philadelphia for up to five years, or resign from the District and then accept the new position at the Charter School. If selected as a teacher for a Renaissance contract school, the employees will no longer be an employee of the School District of Philadelphia and will need to resign and accept the new position with the contract organization." -Philadelphia Notebook

We were told by Jerry Jordan that the employees of reconstituted schools would remain district employees! Yes, our backs are up against a wall as a union, but folks deserve to know the truth and should be given time to make a calculated decision. We weren’t given that opportunity.

You can’t tell me that Jerry Jordan didn’t know this. I am not here to bash our Union. Yet at the same time I can’t help but feel that the teachers were misled. So where do we go from here? I don’t merely want to be a complainer. Instead, I think we as teachers who care for our students need to make a stand and do the job our Union hasn’t been able to do. If we don’t organize now these sweeping and insulting “reforms” will occur without any real input from the people who have spent tens of thousands of hours serving kids.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Districts Response to Upset Teachers

Evelyn Oates-Samples and downtown administration continues to insult us as professionals. In the paper she said teachers may not understand the new model. We are professionals who can read! We understand the model because we took the time to figure it out for ourselves. The district didn’t take the time to explain it and the Union officials were hoping we wouldn’t so they could pass the contract through with no ruffles. We realize the potential negative ramifications these turnaround schools may have on already struggling communities that need our support not our experimentation.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Successful March!!!

While our numbers were small our hearts were in the right place! It felt good as a teacher to have a chance to voice our frustration over the lack of teacher input in the Renaissance Schools and to show our opposition. The newspaper reporters who were there seemed very interested in hearing what teachers had to say. I have to say that is what I enjoyed most, real educators who care about kids being able to voice their concerns. There was definitely talk of doing another march on a larger scale. In our next march we could give it a little more time to organize, plan better, and get out more teachers, parents, and students. Talking with teachers I really believe we could get large numbers to take a stand! Thanks to the two or three teachers who organized today's march!

Please give some feedback on your thoughts for a future march. If you are interested send your email or contact info to, I would love to chat.

Why Ackerman was forced out of San Francisco.

Hey, I just read an interesting article a friend sent to me from a San Francisco newspaper about Ackerman's firing in San Francisco. I will post it the link below if you are interested. A few highlights.
It seemed like Ackerman could not get along with their School Board. She often bickered with them or accused folks of being racist when they didn't agree with her. It seems as if she didn't have the rubber stamp that she has hear in Philadelphia. The board questioned her when she recommended just shutting down "failing" schools, in fact they refused to let her do it. My favorite quote from this Article, "Lipson Mar and Sanchez -- along with leadership of the teachers' union -- have fought the reapplication requirement saying it is a slap in the face to educators who have dedicated their careers to working in difficult schools." I wish our Union and SRC gave the teachers who care deeply the same respect that they did in San Francisco.
Any way I recommend checking it out. I would love to hear your comments.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Please Join the March Tommorow, see earlier blog for details.

Check Out This Article About the Shortcomings of Chicago's Renaissance Schools

Click on the link, it is an old article so search Archives; "Daley School Plan Fails to Make the Grade"

How Renaissance Schools Will Hurt Our Children

What is a Renaissance School (Skip this paragraph if you know)? As I understand it (based on the Philadelphia teachers contract and news reports) a Renaissance will be a reconstituted school. Schools that have been persistently failing are eligible. I recently heard this is 95 Philadelphia schools including every neighborhood high school. The first step in the process will be the initial clearing out of all staff and administration. The school building will then be handed over to some outside manager; charter or for profit Educational Management Organization. The new administration can re-hire up to 50% of the former staff of the school, if those teachers decide to re-apply for their former positions. Teachers at these new Renaissance schools will work an extra hour a day at school, two Saturdays a month, and from my understanding there will be an option to work in July.

So why am I against these Renaissance schools? In some ways it sounds good, right, more time equals more results. If I only believed that would be true in these new schools, then I would adamantly support them. The new Renaissance schools don’t deal with the issues that persistently plague our city schools; lack of quality resources, overcrowded classrooms, serious discipline issues (i.e. South Philly High), truancy, and a lack of sufficient staff. Adding more time to the day and year isn’t going to be the silver bullet politicians are hoping for. In many cases it will likely exacerbate these issues.

Many of the best teachers are going to leave! Shouldn’t this concern us? There are teachers who are the very fabric holding many of these schools together, barely yes, but still together. Quality teachers want to be treated like professionals and under this contract it is not happening. People are human, if they can work one-third less the time and make more money elsewhere they are going to do it. Not to mention many teachers don’t want to sacrifice their home and family life for the ten thousand extra dollars a teacher might be able to earn in the Renaissance model. I have talked to many good teachers who said they will go if their school become Renaissance.

So when the good teachers leave what will happen? I believe you will be left with a very young, and overworked group of people. These are teachers who might last one or two years at the school. The rest of the teachers will be people either in it for the money or folks who could not find jobs anywhere else. Please remember every year Philadelphia has a shortage of over one hundred teachers, often more. People aren’t going to be lining up to teach in these schools that are not sustainable.

Who suffers? The kids, the kids, the kids!!! Yet again, they will feel the blow of another political experiment. They will lose many of the teachers who care deeply for them. For many of our students school is one of the few places that offers stability and now that will be taken as well. The issues that hold back their schools will continue to go unaddressed. When I think about this I get sad and angry. People tout themselves as reformers and advocates for these children. The children they claim to help, they will hurt!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Teacher March Tuesday

I got this email from a friend. I decided to change the guys name who wrote the email, although it does not seem as if he minds people knowing his name. For more info I would email him. Personally I plan to march!

Fellow Teachers,

My name is John Smith. I recently spoke at the PFT meeting last Thursday. I expressed my opinion, and I believe the opinion of many others, that these new Renaissance schools will not be in the best interest of our students. I do not feel that our Union represented those of us who felt this way. The media seems to have only heard reports praising our new contract. I truly believe these Renaissance schools will drive away many of the teachers our students need the most. I also believe they will create schools that have a revolving teaching staff of very young teachers who will not last. How can this be in the best interest of our students?

I would like to make our voice heard! I would like to make a public response to let parents know what the implications of these new Renaissance schools will likely be. Please join me in marching this Tuesday outside of 440 N. Broad to let out opinion be heard. For those of you who wish to march join me at Broad and Spring Garden at 3:30, marching will being around 4:00 and go until 5:30. Come bringing signs and posters expressing frustration with the school district’s new plan! For questions or a confirmation email just email me at, I will hit reply as a confirmation.

Ps- Please pass this along to as many other teachers as you know within the district as well as parents who may be concerned as to the impact these Renaissance schools may have on their own children.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why Did our Union Mock Us?

Hopefully many of you were able to attend last Thursday's (1/21) union meeting in which the members of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers supposedly made the decision to ratify the new contract that we philly teachers will operate under for the next three years. This is the contract that many politicians are hailing as a historic contract that will change education in our cities. I cannot wait to discuss this historical new contract in my next blog, but that discussion will have to wait.
What really needs to be discussed first is how our very own union failed to represent us and insulted our intelligence at the same time. Let me recap what went down on Thursday...
The first shortcoming of our union came days before our meeting to ratify the contract. Our Union announced a meeting in which members would vote on a life changing contract that would effect the rest of our careers. They gave us teachers a whopping three days notice, not even quite enough time to arrange a babysitter for the kids. Our union also announced that NO DETAILS of the contract would be released until the meeting Thursday. This would allow a good thirty minutes to look over six pages of fine print changes that would forever alter our lives (plenty of time to discuss the implications of this contract with our family, loved ones, and colleagues). Fortunately because of the pressure of some concerned teachers the Union ended up releasing the details of the contract the day of the meeting. This gave some teachers a few hours to look over the big changes to the contract.
The actual meeting was one of the most disgusting and disappointing things for a paying union member to witness. PFT president Jerry Jordan spouted off all the things he and his team prevented Arlene Ackerman from getting. He mentioned the few things we gained, such as a normal 3% raise and the ability to defend ourselves against student attacks. He also mentioned all the new PFT positions that were created. Coincidence? Then he touted the creation of the new Renaissance schools as a new way to earn extra cash. He failed miserably to explain the ramifications these changes will have on the teachers who currently teach in these chosen Renaissance schools (look to later blogs). He didn't mention that all teachers in these schools would have to reapply for their jobs, he didn't mention that only 50% of the staff could be hired back, and he didn't mention that teachers will be working two Saturdays a month. When Jerry finished giving his selected details of the contract the debate was opened up to the floor.
This perhaps was the most frustrating part of the evening. The first five speakers were clearly hand selected by the Union's CB team to say very pro-union things. The first speaker said something like "Jerry I would just like to thank you and the executive board for all the wonderful work that you've done, I know I couldn't have dreamed of a better contract." The next four that followed were almost just as sickening. Finally a gentleman came to the mic who was not handpicked. He requested a motion to postpone the vote to a later time. Shouts could be heard all over the stadium, "yes, postpone!" and "I second that motion." Unfortunately our union president was very prepared to stop this more than reasonable request. The former union president cut the line to get to a mic and called the motion "out of order because the motion wasn't stated first", Jerry Jordan quickly confirmed and we move on. Thankfully a few teachers got to truly speak their mind in between the plants the union sent to the mics. Jerry Jordan continually dodged questions that were directed around the Renaissance Schools. He refused to tell how many schools were going to become Renaissance, or where all the teachers would go who don't want to work and extra hour a day, two saturdays a month, and the month of July. When the verbal vote was announced the "Ayes" and the "Nays" sounded split. Jerry quickly stated the contract was ratified.
As an individual who believes in unions this night disturbed me. It was clear that Jerry Jordan and the PFT were not there to truly represent their people. They were there to do what was best and easiest for them. Yes, I know they have a difficult job and that these are difficult times for teachers in urban districts, but please do us justice and let your members decide! The truth was not shared and our Union leaders insulted us by filling the mics with plants who were told to say specific things, taking away the voice of the teachers who are going to have their lives changed. I say, "Shame on you Jerry Jordan! Shame on you PFT executive board. You all failed to do the very thing you have been chosen and paid to do. In my mind you no longer represent us!"

Intro. Why a blog?

This blog has being created for a few different reasons that I will name in the following paragraph. First, let me introduce myself. I have now been an educator with the school district of Philadelphia for over five years working at a K-8 school and a high school. In addition to now having some decent experience in urban schools, I have also taken courses in Urban Education and Education Reform. I live and teach in Philadelphia and am deeply concerned about the well-being of our city as a whole. I love the students I teach and am passionately committed to improving education in our city.
I hope this blog can serve a couple of purposes. One, I would love to see it become a forum where Philadelphia educators and the like can discuss and critique policies that impact education. It would also be nice for teachers to have a place where they can go to speak the truth about what really goes on in their schools. I don't want this to be a place for teachers to complain because it seems that that reputation already proceeds us. This is a place to talk about the real injustices that are constantly occurring in our urban schools (example- teachers being pressured to pass students). Lastly, I want this to be a place where educators can organize. Sometimes injustice calls for action! I want us, as educators, to have a real voice in the ever-changing policies that are constantly effecting us (if anyone hasn't noticed, our union has dropped the ball in many ways). So please stay updated, I will try to post ways for teachers to make some real changes.

Peace, Philly Teacher

Would you remain at your school if it became a Renaissance School?

Is it time for the PFT to change it's leadership?

Good books for Urban Educators

  • "High Stakes Education" by Pauline Lipman
  • "Entertaining an Elephant" by William McBride
  • "City Schools and the American Dream" by Pedro Noguera